Configure Import

The import settings define various options on how to aggregate the content.

Overall structure of import section
     ... see respective page



Whenever config entries in this section are changed, it is recommended to clear the database and restart a full import again. Otherwise the virtual layout can be broken or in some mixed state.

<import hidden-files="no" follow-symlinks="no">
  • Optional

This tag defines the import section.


  • Optional

  • Default: no

This attribute defines if files starting with a dot will be imported into the database (yes). Autoscan can override this attribute on a per directory basis. Hidden directories can also be marked with the nomedia-file.

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

This attribute defines if symbolic links should be treated as regular items and imported into the database (yes). This can cause duplicate entries if the link target is also scanned.

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

This attribute defines that each imported item will get a default media date set based on the modification time in order to ensure that sorting by “dc:date” works on upnp requests.

  • Optional

  • Default: .nomedia

This attribute defines that a directory containing a file with this name is not imported into gerbera database. Only supported in “grb” import mode.

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

This attribute defines that filenames are made readable on import, i.e. underscores are replaced by space and extensions are removed. This changes the title of the entry if no metadata is available

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

This attribute defines that virtual paths are case sensitive, e.g. artist names like Ace Of Grace and Ace of Grace are treated as different (yes) or identical (no). This changes the location property of created virtual entries.

  • Optional

  • Default: mt

This attribute sets the import process:

  • mt: traditional mode, that handles each file completely

  • grb: modern mode, that first imports all files and then processes the layout of the files

Child tags:


  • Optional

  • Default: if ``nl_langinfo()`` function is present, this setting will be auto detected based on your system locale, else set to UTF-8

Defines the charset of the filesystem. For example, if you have file names in Cyrillic KOI8-R encoding, then you should specify that here. The server uses UTF-8 internally, this import parameter will help you to correctly import your data.


  • Optional

  • Default: if ``nl_langinfo()`` function is present, this setting will be auto detected based on your system locale, else set to UTF-8

Same as above, but defines the charset of the metadata (i.e. id3 tags, Exif information, etc.)


<scripting script-charset="UTF-8">
  • Optional

Defines the scripting section.

  • Optional

  • Default: UTF-8

Below are the available scripting options:



Defines the locations of the script folders. If set, first all Javascript files from common are loaded and then all Javascript files from custom. If a function is defined in a common and a custom file the custom defintion overwrites the common defintion. No function should be duplicate in the same folder. Setting script-folder is the replacement for setting the various script files common-script.


    <playlist create-link="yes">importPlaylist</playlist>

Set the entry points for the virtual layout functions and file parsing functions. Selecting the entry point is the replacement for setting the layout type in virtual-layout. The entry points are directly called for Gerbera code and must have a defined synopsis. For further details see Scripting.


<virtual-layout type="builtin" audio-layout="Default">
  • Optional

Defines options for the virtual container layout; the so called ”virtual container layout” is the way how the server organizes the media according to the extracted metadata. For example, it allows sorting audio files by Album, Artist, Year and so on.

  • Optional

  • Default: builtin

Specifies what will be used to create the virtual layout, possible values are:

  • builtin: a default layout will be created by the server

  • js: a user customizable javascript will be used (Gerbera must be compiled with js support)

  • disabled: only PC-Directory structure will be created, i.e. no virtual layout

  • Optional

  • Default: Default

Specifies the virtual layout to be created:

  • Default: addAudio is used to create the virtual layout

  • Structured: addAudioStructured is used to create the virtual layout (only in combination with javascript)

The virtual layout can be adjusted using an import script which is defined as follows:


  • Required: if virtual layout type is ”js”

  • Default: ${prefix}/share/gerbera/js/import.js, where ${prefix} is your installation prefix directory.

  • Deprecated: Think about migrating your configuration to use import-function.

Points to the script invoked upon media import. For more details read about scripting.


  • Optional

Contains options to pass into scripts. All values are available in scripts as e.g. config[‘/import/scripting/virtual-layout/script-options/script-option’].test. For more details see scripting

Child tags:


<script-option name="test" value="42"/>
  • Optional

Set option value for option name

  • Required

Name of the option.

  • Required

Value of the option.


  • Optional

Define mapping of genres to other text.

Child tags:


<genre from="Disco" to="Pop"/>
  • Optional

Replace genre from by genre to.

  • Required

Original genre value. Can be a regular expression.

  • Required

Target genre value.


<structured-layout skip-chars="" div-char="-" />
  • Optional

Adjust layout of boxes for large collections in structured layout. Set audio-layout to Structured and choose values best for your media library.

  • Optional

  • Default: -

Symbols to use around the box text.

  • Optional

Special characters in the beginning of a title that are not used for building a box.



Child tags:


<box key=".." title=".." class=".." size=".." enabled=".." />
  • Optional

Configure Box key.

  • Required

The key that is used in javascript and builtin layout to refer the the config.

  • Required

The title to use for the respective box.

  • Optional

Set the upnp class for the respective box.

  • Optional

Set the upnp shortcut label for this box. The last container created based on this box will be added to the shortcuts feature field. For more details see UPnP-av-ContentDirectory-v4-Service, page 357.

  • Optional

  • Default: “yes”

Disable the respective box. Not all boxes can be disabled.

  • Optional

  • Default: 1

Type of the box in structured layout. The following values are supported

  • 1: One large box

  • 2: Two boxes with 13 items each

  • 3: Boxes with 8, 9, 9 letters

  • 4: Boxes with 7, 6, 7, 6 letters

  • 5: Boxes with 5, 5, 5, 6, 5 letters

  • 6: Boxes with 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4 letters

  • 7: Boxes with 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4 letters

  • 9: Boxes with 5, 5, 5, 4, 1, 6 letters; a large box for T

  • 13: Boxes with 2 letters each

  • 26: A speparate box for each letter


  • Optional

  • Default: ${prefix}/share/gerbera/js/common.js, where ${prefix} is your installation prefix directory.

  • Deprecated: Think about migrating your configuration to use import-function.

Points to the so called common script - it is a shared library of js helper functions. For more details read scripting


  • Optional

  • Default: empty

  • Deprecated: Think about migrating your configuration to use import-function.

Points to the custom script - think of it as a custom library of js helper functions, functions added there can be used in your import and in your playlist scripts. Theses functions also overwrite functions from the common script. For more details read scripting


<playlist-script create-link="yes">/path/to/my/playlist-script.js</playlist-script>
  • Optional

  • Default: ${prefix}/share/gerbera/js/playlists.js, where ${prefix} is your installation prefix directory.

  • Deprecated: Think about migrating your configuration to use import-function.

Points to the script that is parsing various playlists, by default parsing of pls, m3u and asx playlists is implemented, however the script can be adapted to parse almost any kind of text based playlist. For more details read scripting

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

Links the playlist to the virtual container which contains the expanded playlist items. This means, that if the actual playlist file is removed from the database, the virtual container corresponding to the playlist will also be removed.


  • Optional

  • Default: ${prefix}/share/gerbera/js/metadata.js, where ${prefix} is your installation prefix directory.

  • Deprecated: Think about migrating your configuration to use import-function.

Points to the main metadata parsing script which is invoked during the first import phase to gather metadata from additional files. Currently support for nfo files is implemented. (

The search pattern is set in resources section.


  • Optional

  • Default: System default

Specifies an alternative file for filemagic, containing mime type information.


<autoscan use-inotify="auto" inotify-attrib="yes">
  • Optional

Specifies a list of default autoscan directories.

This section defines persistent autoscan directories. It is also possible to define autoscan directories in the UI, the difference is that autoscan directories that are defined via the config file can not be removed in the UI. Even if the directory gets removed on disk, the server will try to monitor the specified location and will re add the removed directory if it becomes available/gets created again.

  • Optional

  • Default: auto

Specifies if the inotify autoscan feature should be enabled. The default value is auto, which means that availability of inotify support on the system will be detected automatically, it will then be used if available. Setting the option to ‘no’ will disable inotify even if it is available. Allowed values: “yes”, “no”, “auto”

  • Optional

  • Default: no

Specifies if the inotify will also monitor for attribute changes like owner change or access given.

Child tags:


<directory location="/media" mode="timed" interval="3600"
  recursive="no" hidden-files="no"/>
<directory location="/audio" mode="inotify"
  recursive="yes" hidden-files="no"/>
  • Optional

Defines an autoscan directory and it’s parameters.

The attributes specify various autoscan options:

  • Required

Absolute path to the directory that shall be monitored.

  • Required

Scan mode, currently inotify and timed are supported. Timed mode rescans the given directory in specified intervals, inotify mode uses the kernel inotify mechanism to watch for filesystem events.

  • Required: for ”timed” mode

Scan interval in seconds. The value can be given in a valid time format.

  • Required

Values of yes or no are allowed, specifies if autoscan shall monitor the given directory including all sub directories.

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

Values of yes or no are allowed, specifies if containers in PC Directory will get container types like albums based on the majority of child items.

  • Optional

  • Default: value specified in <import hidden-files=””/>

Allowed values: yes or no, process hidden files, overrides the hidden-files value in the <import/> tag.

  • Optional

  • Default: value specified in <import follow-symlinks=””/>

Allowed values: yes or no, symbolic links should be treated as regular items and imported into the database (yes). This can cause duplicate entries if the link target is also scanned overrides the follow-symlinks value in the <import/> tag.

  • Optional

  • Default: 0

Allowed values: non-negative numbers. This attribute can be used to allow multiple attempts to access files in case of mounted volumes. In some cases inotify events are raised before the directory or file is fully available, causing an access permission error and the import fails. This attribute is only available in config.xml at the moment.

  • Optional

  • Default: Any

Only import audio/image/video from directory to virtual layout if upnp class is subclass. Values can be concatenated by |. Allowed values are :


Upnp Class





















  • Optional

  • Default: object.container.album.musicAlbum/ object.container.album.photoAlbum/ object.container

Set the default container type for virtual containers and for physical containers in grb-mode during import. This is especially useful if the virtual layout simulates the filesystem structure and is not derived from metadata. The first object that is added to the container determines the property (audio/image/video) used.


  • Optional

Specifies a list of system directories hidden in filesystem web ui.

If the element does not exists, the default list of system directories is set to /bin, /boot, /dev, /etc, /lib, /lib32, /lib64, /libx32, /proc, /run, /sbin, /sys, /tmp, /usr, /var

Child tags:


<add-path name="/sys"/>
  • Optional

Defines a system directory.

The attributes specify various options:

  • Required

Absolute path to the directory that shall be hidden.


  • Optional

Specifies a list of system directories visible in filesystem web ui. It can contain any path which is accessible by the gerbera server.

If the element exists it supercedes system-directories, i.e. only visible directories can be selected in web ui. This is the more forward way of defining content but cannot be defaulted.

Child tags:


<add-path name="/home/media"/>
  • Optional

Defines a visible directory.

The attributes specify various options:

  • Required

Absolute path to the directory that shall be visible.


  • Optional

Defines various layout options for generated virtual layout.

  • Optional

  • Default: no

Values of yes or no are allowed, specifies if parent path is added to virtual layout. If set to``no`` “/home/…/Videos/Action/a.mkv” with rootpath “/home/…/Videos” becomes “Action” otherwise “Videos/Action”. Setting to yes produces the layout of gerbera before version 1.5.

Child tags:


<path from="Videos/Action" to="Action-Videos"/>
  • Optional

Map a virtual path element. This allows reducing path elements or merging different sources into a common tree. Thema replacement is executed after calculation of virtual layout, i.e. after buildin or layout script.

  • Required

Source path. Can be a regular expression.

  • Required

Target path. / can be used to create sub structure.


<resources case-sensitive="yes">
  • Optional

Defines various resource options for file based resources. Older versions of Gerbera added sereral files automatically. For performance reasons no pattern is added by default anymore. You can set up your correct fanart file by yourself, if no image is embedded in your media. If you have subtitle files, add the correct pattern, also.

  • Optional

  • Default: yes

This attribute defines whether search patterns are treated case sensitive or not, i.e. if set to no cover.png matches anything like Cover.PNG or cover.PNG.

Child tags:


  • Optional

Define the order in which the metadata is rendered in the output

Child tags:


<handler name="Fanart"/>
  • Required

Valid handler names are Default, LibExif, TagLib, Transcode, Fanart, Exturl, MP4, FFmpegThumbnailer, Flac, Matroska, Subtitle, Resource, ContainerArt

container / fanart / subtitle / metafile / resource

  • Optional

Define file patterns to search for fanart, subtitle and resources respectivly.

container, fanart, metafile and subtitle patterns are used to identify external resources which are added to each item if the pattern matches.

resource patterns are used to trigger rescan of the whole directory if such a file was changed, added or removed.

Each of these tags can contain multiple add-file or add-dir entries. container has additional attributes.


<container location="images" parentCount="2" minDepth="2"/>
  • Optional

Set up container images. The fanart of a media file is added automatically as a thumbnail to the container (e.g. the album container). The setting depends on the chosen layout and is only fully respected if the layout script does not set own properties (which was the case in older javascript layouts).

  • Optional

Path to the directory containing the images to load. Relative paths are assumed to be under the server’s home. Drop your artists’ images or logos for default containers here and they are displayed as thumbnail when browsing with a compatible client. If the image is not found in that location, it is also searched in the physical folder itself.

  • Optional

This setting allows to increase the number of levels which the fanart of a media file can be propagated upwards (examples refer to basic layout /Root/Audio/Artist/Album/song). A value of 1 adds the fanart only to the direct parent container when a media file is added (e.g. the Album container). A value of 2 means you propagate that image to the parent container as well (e.g. the Artist container). A value of 0 blocks propagation completely.

  • Optional

Depending on the virtual layout propagating thumbnails can reach containers like Video or Audio. This settings forces a minimal depth for propagation to apply. It is setting the minimum number of path elements for container using fanart from media files (e.g. /Root/Audio/Artist has level 3 so the image can be set).


<add-file name="cover.png"/>
<add-file name=""/>
  • Optional

    • Required

    Add file search pattern to resource handler. The search pattern can contain variables:

    • %album%: Value of the album tag

    • %albumArtist%: Value of the albumArtist tag

    • %artist%: Value of the artist tag

    • %filename%: Name of the file without extension or name of the container

    • %genre%: Value of the genre tag

    • %title%: Value of the title tag

    • %composer%: Value of the composer tag


<add-dir name="/data/subtitles/%title%" ext="srt"/>
<add-dir name="/data/subtitles" ext="%title%*.srt"/>
<add-dir name="%filename%" ext="srt"/>
<add-dir pattern="%filename%*" ext="srt"/>
  • Optional

    • Optional

    Add directory search pattern to resource handler. The search pattern can contain the same variables as add-file. If the directory is relative the file is searched in a subdirectory of the directory containing the media file. If the directory is empty or just “.” it is replaced by the directory of the media file.

    • Optional

    Define the extension or file name pattern. The search pattern can contain the same variables as add-file. If it does not contain a . it is considered as extension. If it contains a . the part before can contain * and ? as wildcards and must exactly match the resource file name.

    • Optional

    Define the file name pattern in the directory. The search pattern can contain the same variables as add-file. It can contain * and ? as wildcards and must exactly match the resource file name.

A sample configuration would be:

<resources case-sensitive="no">
        <add-file name="cover.png"/>
        <add-file name=""/>
        <add-dir name="/data/subtitles/%title%" ext="srt"/>
        <add-dir pattern="%filename%*" ext="srt"/>
        <add-file name="cover.png"/>
        <add-file name=""/>


  • Optional

Defines various mapping options for importing media, currently two subsections are supported.

This section defines mime type and upnp:class mappings, it is vital if filemagic is not available - in this case media type auto detection will fail and you will have to set the mime types manually by matching the file extension. It is also helpful if you want to override auto detected mime types or simply skip filemagic processing for known file types.


  • Optional

This section holds the file name extension to mime type mappings.

Child tags:


<add-file name="part"/>
  • Optional

Specifies a file name extension (everything after the last dot “.”) to ignore.


This improves the import speed, because files are ignored completely.


The extension is case sensitive, if case-sensitive in the element extension-mimetype is set to yes


<extension-mimetype ignore-unknown="no" case-sensitive="no">
  • Optional

This section holds the file name extension to mime type mappings.


  • Optional

  • Default: no

If ignore-unknown is set to “yes”, then only the extensions that are listed in this section are imported.

  • Optional

  • Default: no

Specifies if extensions listed in this section are case sensitive, allowed values are “yes” or “no”.

Child tags:


<map from="mp3" to="audio/mpeg"/>
  • Optional

Specifies a mapping from a certain file name extension (everything after the last dot “.”) to mime type.


This improves the import speed, because invoking libmagic to discover the right mime type of a file is omitted for files with extensions listed here.


The extension is case sensitive, if case-sensitive is set to yes.


  • Optional

This section holds the mime type to upnp:class mappings.

Child tags:


<map from="audio/*" to="object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"/>
  • Optional

Specifies a mapping from a certain mime type to upnp:class in the Content Directory. The mime type can either be entered explicitly “audio/mpeg” or using a wildcard after the slash audio/\*. The values of from and to attributes are case sensitive.

For detailled mapping the from attribute can specify further filtering criteria like upnp:genre=Book which is expanded to if genre contains Book.

  • Example

  <map from="application/ogg" to="object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"/>
  <map from="audio/*" to="object.item.audioItem"/>
  <map from="audio/*;tracknumber>0" to="object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"/>
  <map from="audio/*;upnp:genre=Book" to="object.item.audioItem.audioBook"/>
  <map from="image/*" to="object.item.imageItem"/>
  <map from="image/*;location=Camera" to=""/>
  <map from="video/*" to="object.item.videoItem"/>


  • Optional

This section holds the mime type to dlna transfer mode mappings. It is added to the http-header` of the file request.

Child tags:


<map from="audio/*" to="Streaming"/>
<map from="video/*" to="Streaming"/>
<map from="image/*" to="Interative"/>
<map from="text/*" to="Background"/>
  • Optional

Specifies a mapping from a certain mime type to transfer mode. The mime type can either be entered explicitly “audio/mpeg” or using a wildcard after the slash audio/\*. The values of from and to attributes are case sensitive.


  • Optional

This section makes sure that the server knows about remapped mimetypes and still extracts the metadata correctly. If the user remaps mp3 files to a different mimetype, we must know about it so we can still pass this item to taglib for metadata extraction.


If this section is not present in your config file, the defaults will be filled in automatically. However, if you add an empty tag, without defining the following <treat> tags, the server assumes that you want to have an empty list and no files will be process by the metadata handler.


<treat mimetype="audio/mpeg" as="mp3"/>
  • Optional

Tells the server what content the specified mimetype actually is.


It makes no sense to define ‘as’ values that are not below, the server only needs to know the content type of the ones specified, otherwise it does not matter.

The as attribute can have following values:

Mapping Table






The content is an mp3 file and should
be processed by taglib
(if available).


The content is an ogg file and should
be processed by taglib
(if available).


The content is a flac file and should
be processed by taglib
(if available).


The content is a jpeg image and
should be processed by libexif
(if available).


The content is a playlist and should
be processed by the playlist parser


The content is a PCM file.


The content is an AVI container,
FourCC extraction will be attempted.


  • Optional

This section holds the content type to dlnaprofile mappings.

Child tags:


<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_AAC_MULT5"/>
  • Optional

Specifies a mapping from a certain content type to a dlna profile in the Content Directory. The values of from and to attributes are case sensitive. In order to access special profiles you can specify a resource attribute with its required value. If multiple entries for the same mimetype exist, mappings with more details are preferred to simple from-to mappings. Resource attributes can be seen in the details page for an item on the web UI. The value must either match exactly the transformed value (incl. unit) or the raw value.

  • Example:

<map from="mp4" videoCodec="h264" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_HD_720p_AAC"/>
  • Profile Catalog:

If you want to make your DLNA device play specific media the following list of profiles may be helpful:

<map from="asf" to="VC1_ASF_AP_L1_WMA"/>
<map from="asf" to="VC1_ASF_AP_L2_WMA"/>
<map from="asf" to="VC1_ASF_AP_L3_WMA"/>
<map from="avi" to="AVI"/>
<map from="dsd" to="DSF"/>
<map from="flac" to="FLAC"/>
<map from="flv" to="FLV"/>
<map from="gif" to="GIF_LRG"/>
<map from="jpg" to="JPEG_LRG"/>
<map from="jpg" to="JPEG_MED"/>
<map from="jpg" to="JPEG_SM"/>
<map from="jpg" to="JPEG_TN"/>
<map from="mkv" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MKV_HP_HD_AAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_HP_HD_DTS"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_HP_HD_EAC3"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_HP_HD_MLP"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_HP_HD_MPEG1_L3"/>
<map from="mkv" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MKV_MP_HD_AAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_MP_HD_DTS"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_MP_HD_EAC3"/>
<map from="mkv" to="AVC_MKV_MP_HD_MPEG1_L3"/>
<map from="mkv" to="MATROSKA"/>
<map from="mkv" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_MKV_HP_HD_AC3"/>
<map from="mkv" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_MKV_MP_HD_AC3"/>
<map from="mp3" to="MP2_MPS"/>
<map from="mp3" to="MP3"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_AAC_520"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_AAC_LTP"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_AAC_LTP_520"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_AMR"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_BSAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF15_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_AAC_940"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_AAC_LTP"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_AAC_LTP_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_AAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_AC3"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_BSAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_BSAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_HEAAC_L2"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_CIF30_MPEG1_L3"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_L12_CIF15_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_L1B_QCIF15_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_L2_CIF30_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_L3L_SD_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_BL_L3L_SD_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_BL_L3_SD_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_EU"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_HP_HD_DTS"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_HP_HD_DTSHD"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_HP_HD_MLP"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_LPCM"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_AAC_LTP"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_AAC_LTP_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_AAC_LTP_MULT7"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_AAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_ATRAC3plus"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_BSAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_DTS"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_DTSHD"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_HEAAC_L2"/>
<map from="mp4" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_MPEG1_L3"/>
<map from="mp4" to="HEVC_MP4"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_3GPP_SP_L0B_AMR"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_ATRAC3plus"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_HEAAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="ac3" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_L4_SO_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_L4_SO_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_L4_SO_HEAAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_L5_SO_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_L5_SO_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_L5_SO_HEAAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_NDSD"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_AAC_LTP"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_ATRAC3plus"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_L2_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_L2_AMR"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_VGA_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_VGA_HEAAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_3GPP_BL_QCIF15_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" videoCodec="av1" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_HP_HD_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_HD_1080i_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_3GPP_SP_L0B_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_ASP_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" audioCodec="aac" to="MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_L6_AAC"/>
<map from="mp4" videoCodec="h264" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_MP4_MP_SD_AC3"/>
<map from="mp4" videoCodec="h264" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_MP4_MP_HD_720p_AAC"/>
<map from="mpa" audioCodec="aac" to="AAC_ISO"/>
<map from="mpa" audioCodec="aac" to="AAC_ISO_320"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_DTSHD_MA_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_DTSHD_MA_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HD_50_LPCM_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HD_DTS_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HD_DTS_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HP_HD_MLP"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HP_HD_MPEG1_L2_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HP_HD_MPEG1_L2_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HP_SD_MPEG1_L2_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_HP_SD_MPEG1_L2_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_MPEG1_L3"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_MPEG1_L3_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_MPEG1_L3_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_MPEG1_L3"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_MPEG1_L3_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_MPEG1_L3_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="HEVC_TS"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG1"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_PS_NTSC"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_PS_PAL"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_JP_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_EU"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_EU_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_EU_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_KO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_KO_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_KO_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_NA"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_NA_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="MPEG_TS_SD_NA_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="VC1_TS_HD_DTSHD_MA_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="VC1_TS_HD_DTSHD_MA_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="VC1_TS_HD_DTS_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" to="VC1_TS_HD_DTS_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_AAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_AAC_MULT5_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_AAC_MULT5_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_AAC_MULT5"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_AAC_MULT5_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="aac" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_AAC_MULT5_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_AC3"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_AC3_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="AVC_TS_MP_SD_AC3_T"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="VC1_TS_AP_L1_AC3_ISO"/>
<map from="mpeg" audioCodec="ac3" to="VC1_TS_AP_L2_AC3_ISO"/>
<map from="mwv" to="VC1_ASF_AP_L1_WMA"/>
<map from="mwv" to="VC1_ASF_AP_L2_WMA"/>
<map from="mwv" to="VC1_ASF_AP_L3_WMA"/>
<map from="mwv" to="WMVHIGH_FULL"/>
<map from="mwv" to="WMVHIGH_PRO"/>
<map from="mwv" to="WMVMED_BASE"/>
<map from="mwv" to="WMVMED_FULL"/>
<map from="mwv" to="WMVMED_PRO"/>
<map from="ogg" to="OGG"/>
<map from="ogg" to="OGV"/>
<map from="pcm" to="WAV"/>
<map from="pcm" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="1" to="LPCM16_44_MONO"/>
<map from="pcm" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="2" to="LPCM16_44_STEREO"/>
<map from="pcm" sampleFrequency="48000" nrAudioChannels="1" to="LPCM16_48_MONO"/>
<map from="pcm" sampleFrequency="48000" nrAudioChannels="2" to="LPCM16_48_STEREO"/>
<map from="png" to="PNG_LRG"/>
<map from="png" to="PNG_TN"/>
<map from="wma" to="WMABASE"/>
<map from="wma" to="WMAFULL"/>
<map from="wma" to="WMALSL"/>
<map from="wma" to="WMALSL_MULT5"/>
<map from="wma" to="WMAPRO"/>


Feel free to provide us improvements to this list!


  • Optional

This section holds the additional identifiers for virtual directories to make sure, e.g. albums with the same title are distiguished by their artist even if the displayed text is identical.

  • Default

    <key metadata="M_ALBUMARTIST" class="object.container.album.musicAlbum"/>
    <key metadata="M_UPNP_DATE" class="object.container.album.musicAlbum"/>

Child tags:


<key metadata="M_ARTIST" class="object.container.album"/>
  • Optional

Specifies the metadata fields to add for identification internally. For a list of valid metadata see Metadata. If _1 is added to the name of the key only the first item in the list is picked (if there are multiple like for M_ARTIST. In addition LOCATION references to the location property retrieved from the layout script. The attribute class can be used to restrict the key to the upnp class.

  • Example

    <key metadata="LOCATION" class="object.container.album.musicAlbum"/>
    <key metadata="M_ARTIST_1" class="object.container.album.musicAlbum"/>


  • Optional

This section holds options for the various supported import libraries, it is useful in conjunction with virtual container scripting, but also allows to tune some other features as well.

Currently the library-options allow additional extraction of the so called auxilary data (explained below) and provide control over the video thumbnail generation.

Here is some information on the auxdata: UPnP defines certain tags to pass along metadata of the media (like title, artist, year, etc.), however some media provides more metadata and exceeds the scope of UPnP. This additional metadata can be used to fine tune the server layout, it allows the user to create a more complex container structure using a customized import script. The metadata that can be extracted depends on the library, currently we support taglib, ffmpeg and libexif, mkv, wavpack and exiv2 (if compiled with respective library enabled) which provide a default set of keys that can be passed in the options below. The data according to those keys will the be extracted from the media and imported into the database along with the item. When processing the item, the import script will have full access to the gathered metadata, thus allowing the user to organize the data with the use of the extracted information. A practical example would be: having more than one digital camera in your family you could extract the camera model from the Exif tags and sort your photos in a structure of your choice, like:

  • Photos/MyCamera1/All Photos

  • Photos/MyCamera1/Date

  • Photos/MyCamera2/All Photos

  • Photos/MyCamera2/Date



  • Optional

  • Default: “; “

This string is used to join multi-valued items (e.g. Composer, Performer) into one string.

  • Optional

  • Default: empty

This string is used to split items into lists before joining them with multi-value-separator. This option can be used to import files from legacy tools which did not support multi-valued items. The empty string is used to disable legacy handling.

Additional data:

Gerbera imports a set of common tags by default in order to populate UPnP content. If you need further properties there are two options

  • auxdata : Read the value in order to use it in an import script

  • metadata : Read value into in order to send it as UPnP property

The following library sections can contain both of these entries as well as a charset and a enabled attribute:



  • Optional

Overwrite the metadata-charset for the respective type of file.


  • Optional

Exclude the metadata parser from the import process.

  • Default: yes



  • Optional

Auxdata can be read by the import javascript to gain more control over the media structure. The available tags depend on the respective library.

Child tags:


<add-data tag="tag1"/>
<add-data tag="tag2"/>
  • Optional

If the library was able to extract the data according to the given keyword, it will be added to auxdata. You can then use that data in your import scripts.


  • Optional

Metadata can be read by the import javascript as meta to gain more control over the media structure and is automatically added to the UPnP output.

Child tags:


<add-data tag="tag3" key="upnp:Key"/>
  • Optional

If the library was able to extract the data according to the given keyword, it will be added to metadata. The attribute key sets the UPnP meta property and is only accepted inside a metadata element.

Library sections:


<libexif> </libexif>
  • Optional

Options for the exif library.

Currently only adding keywords to auxdata is supported. For a list of keywords/tags see the libexif documentation.

A sample configuration for the example described above would be:

        <add-data tag="EXIF_TAG_MODEL"/>


<id3> </id3>
  • Optional

These options apply to taglib library.

The keywords are those defined in the specifications, e.g. ID3v2.4 or Vorbis comments. We do not perform any extra checking, so you could try to use any string as a keyword - if it does not exist in the tag nothing bad will happen.

Here is a list of some extra keywords not beeing part of UPnP:

  • ID3v2.4 / MP3


  • Vorbis / FLAC


  • any other user defined keyword, for APEv2 or iTunes MP4, see e.g. table of mapping between various tagging formats at MusicBrainz.

A sample configuration for the example described above would be:

        <add-data tag="TXXX:Work"/>
        <add-data tag="WORK"/>
        <add-data tag="TMCL"/>
        <add-data tag="PERFORMER" key="upnp:artist@role[Performer]"/>


<ffmpeg> </ffmpeg>
  • Optional

These options apply to ffmpeg library.

This page documents all of the metadata keys that FFmpeg honors, depending on the format being encoded.

A sample configuration for the example described above would be:

        <add-data tag="COLLECTION"/>
        <add-data tag="SHOW"/>
        <add-data tag="NETWORK"/>
        <add-data tag="EPISODE-ID"/>
        <add-data tag="performer" key="upnp:artist@role[Performer]"/>


<exiv2> </exiv2>
  • Optional

These options apply to exiv2 library.

This page documents all of the metadata keys that exiv2 honors, depending on the format being encoded.

A sample configuration for the example described above would be:

        <add-data tag="Exif.Image.Model"/>
        <add-data tag="Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"/>
        <add-data tag="Exif.Image.Orientation"/>
        <add-data tag="Exif.Image.Rating"/>
        <add-data tag="Xmp.xmp.Rating" />
        <add-data tag="Xmp.dc.subject"/>


  • Optional

These options apply to mkv library.


  • Optional

These options apply to wavpack library.